The well drilling company BOTTI ELIO S.a.s. - Impresa di Perforazioni was established in the 1950s and is based in Adria, located in the province of Rovigo, Italy. Thanks to the experience gained in the methane-producing and mining sector, in the 1960s Botti Elio decided to specialise in water well drilling developing drilling techniques and protocols that soon enabled the company to become a sector leader and among the first businesses in Italy to use a rotation system with reversed sludge circulation. The growing focus on problems linked to the consumption and eco-sustainable use of hydrogeological resources has found in BOTTI ELIO S.a.s. - Impresa di Perforazioni - Adria (Ro) a highly reliable collaborator, able to provide cutting-edge solutions. Since 2011, BOTTI ELIO – Impresa Perforazioni has been a partner in the European project named WARBO (WATER RE-BORN - Artificial Recharge: Innovative Technologies for the Sustainable Management of Water Resources). The WARBO project responds to the need to protect and develop the world's water and ecosystems, by regulating the artificial recharge of water beds and the study of different application methods, so as to regulate the applications for protecting natural resources. The project focuses on sites with problems concerning the deterioration in quality and quantity of water sources featuring ecosystems of interest to the entire EU and, where urgent measures are required to fight water shortages, developing protocols for correctly managing recharge activities. The application of artificial recharge enables compliance with EU Water Directives (Directive 2000/60/EC, Italian Legislative Decree 152/2006; Directive 2006/118/EC on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration) and lowering of the imbalance between the demand and available resources for human, agricultural, industrial and artisanal usages, which require fresh water. (Coordinator: the OGS - National Institute of Oceanography and Experimental Geophysics; Partners: University of Ferrara – Department of Earth Sciences; University of Udine - Department of Georesources and Land; University of Padua – Department of Mathematical Methods and Models for Applied Sciences; the ARPAFVG Regional Agency for Environmental Protection of Friuli Venezia Giulia; Municipality of Copparo; Botti Elio S.a.s.; TARH – Terra, Ambiente e Recursos Hídricos, EUREKOS srl.) In the past few years, greater attention toward the use of water sources and consumption has led users of wells to keep the hydraulic efficiency of the same under control and perform, when necessary, recovery operations. BOTTI ELIO – Impresa di Perforazioni promptly responded to this new need and is able to provide evaluations determining whether or not actions are required as well as perform a vast range of restoration operations and also carry out cleaning, tube fitting,cementing, extraction and filter replacement. Other services provided also include the repair, reclamation and cleaning of wells using both traditional methods as well innovative solutions. BOTTI ELIO – Impresa di Perforazioni is a member of ANIPA (National Association of Hydrogeology and Water Wells) that is part of the Confederation of Italian Industry through FINCO (Federation of Industries, Products, Systems and Services for Constructions).
_____________________________________________________________________ Botti Elio - via Emanuele Filiberto 45011 Adria (Ro) - tel. 0426.22462 - |